New York-Based
Interior Design

Rhobin DelaCruz Designs Residential Commercial Rental
rhobin delacruz interior designs
Residential Interior Design by Rhobin DelaCruz Designs in New York

Residential Interior Design in New York

The family celebrations featuring handed-down recipes; the impromptu gatherings around the kitchen island; the busy mornings and the quiet evenings–every moment you spend in your home should support the way you want to live. Our designs ensure that your home is not just a place to live but a reflection of your personality and a sanctuary that supports your lifestyle. From the smallest details to the grandest features, we create spaces that are both functional and beautiful, making every day special.

Residential Design
Commercial Interior Design by Rhobin DelaCruz Designs in New York

Commercial Interior Design in NYC

Your spaces are a reflection of your brand. We don’t take that lightly. Every element in your commercial space should tell a part of your brand’s story, creating an environment that resonates with clients, employees, and visitors alike. We specialize in crafting commercial interiors that not only make a strong visual impact but also enhance productivity and well-being. Our No B.S. approach ensures that your space is designed with intention, reflecting your brand’s identity and values through thoughtfully curated and meticulously executed design elements.

Commercial Design
Rental Interior Design by Rhobin DelaCruz Designs in New York

Vacation Rental Design

From the moment your guests pull into the driveway to the moment they watch it disappear in the rearview mirror, your rental shapes their entire getaway. Let’s make it the best of their lives! Our rental designs go beyond aesthetics to create unforgettable experiences that keep guests coming back. We focus on comfort, style, and functionality - ensuring your property stands out in the competitive rental market. By blending practicality with bold design, we help you maximize your rental’s potential and profitability, leaving guests eager to return and share their experiences.

Rental Design
Rhobin DelaCruz of Rhobin DelaCruz Designs

Meet Rhobin

With clients like GQ, TED, and MTV, Rhobin DelaCruz is a seasoned design talent with a reputation for creating inviting contemporary spaces marked by edgy sophistication.

Originally hailing from the vibrant landscapes of Southern California and now flourishing in the dynamic cityscapes of New York, Rhobin brings a unique blend of West Coast ease and East Coast sophistication to every project. This bicoastal influence–along with a rich tapestry of cultural insights from his global travels and his diverse friends and clients–infuses RDD’s designs with a distinctive joie de vivre that transcends trends.

With his pre-design background in corporate advertising and an ongoing love of real estate, Rhobin has a mind for business. He understands business leaders’ strategies and connects with his commercial and rental clients’ visions to create designs that help them achieve their goals.

Driven by boldness, curiosity, creativity, determination, and individuality, we embrace our inner badass in all we do and we encourage our clients to do the same in their spaces' design.

More About RDD
View Project Family Haven in Chelsea
"There’s a reason we’ve worked with Rhobin consistently for many years. Not only does he make our spaces more beautiful than we ever imagined they could be, but his ability to capture our taste is unmatched. It’s been a wonderful experience!"


View Project Bluestone Escape
"The new, thoughtful design separates this property from other vacation rentals in the area and welcomes our guests with a true home-away-from-home vibe, but better!"


View Project The Freedom Tower - GQ Offices
"Rhobin and his team are great listeners and really understood what made our brand. It was incredible to see how they operated in sync and turned the vision to life."


Explore Our Services

We don’t just design spaces. We design experiences.

With a bold yet inviting approach to contemporary design, we serve clients throughout New York, New Jersey, the Hudson Valley, the Hamptons, and beyond who want conversation-worthy designs that exude personality and comfort.

We specialize in creating residential spaces and vacation rentals, as well as commercial hospitality and office properties that spark impactful experiences.

Our team approaches every project fearlessly, ready to design like a mofo and push the boundaries of creativity to give you spaces-and experiences-you never imagined possible!

Everyone has an inner badass-and we know exactly how to bring yours into your design.

A People - Centered, No B.S. Experience

Whatever your project, we believe you deserve to have a positive experience from start to finish. With the complex nature of design projects (so many moving parts and so much out of your control), that's no small promise. But we're just as committed to delivering on it as we are to giving you amazing designs.

It starts with treating you like a human instead of just a job. With us, you get a lasting relationship - not just a transaction. You get listened to instead of bulldozed. You get heard instead of pressured. Your project is high-stakes for you and we get that. We care about what you care about for your project. We take the stress & overwhelm away from you - and we'll even make you laugh when you need it most!

Having a designer you know you can trust is priceless. What good is trusting your project to a designer if you can't tell whether they're shooting straight with you or not? With us, there's no pretense, no smoke & mirrors, and absolutely No B.S.. We're transparent with you, giving you the information you need to make smart project decisions. We also look to you, our client, for direct and candid feedback because we know the very best designs come from mutual respect, trust, and open, honest communication between us and our clients.

Explore our designs